Okay, now that I go all of my sorting of the array out of my way, I am into a new problem with this stupid program, and I really need help ASAP please! I am trying to search the array of employees by last name and display the employee that was searched with all of their data. Could someone please help me here!!!

All of my code:

** Name: Joshua Long

** Filename: CPP_FINAL1.cpp

** Project Description: Enter the number of employees you want
   to input into the database, enter all of the employees and
   then sort the employees by last name. Prompt user to search
   for an employee by last name then display employee.

** Output: Employee data that was entered and then organized
   by the program to have better formatting.

** Input: Employee data

** Strees Level: Very HIGH ;)


// Include Files
#include <iostream> // used for cin, cout
#include <iomanip>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h> 
using namespace std;

// Search Array
void searchString(string A[],int size, string answer) {
     int j;
     for(j=0; j < size; j++)
     if(A[j] == answer)
             cout << A[j] << endl;
     else cout << "Not Found"<< endl;

const int MAX_NAME_SIZE = 22; // Max size for names
const int MAX_SIZE = 25; // Max size for all other strings

// Employee Structure (Used for all employees
struct Employee {
       // Chars used instead of strings for use of spaces
       char eName[MAX_NAME_SIZE], eLName[MAX_NAME_SIZE], eStreetName[MAX_SIZE], eCity[MAX_SIZE], eState[MAX_SIZE]; 
       int eID, eStreetNum, eZip;
       void inNameeID();

// Max amount of employees allowed in program
const int MAX_EmployeeS = 50;

// The Employees class
class Employees {
             // Fuction Prototypes
             void inEmployees();
             void inNameeID();
             void sortNameeID();
             void print(const char *prompt);
             // Private variables
                     Employee data[MAX_EmployeeS];
                     int size;

// Main Processing
int main() {
    //xEmployee.print("Original list"); // Used to print original
    //xEmployee.print("Alphabetized list"); // Used to print aplha list
    // Create new instance of Employees (stores all employee's data)
    Employees xEmployee;
    // Display which employee is being input
    // Prompt for input of the employee data and display entered results
    xEmployee.print("Initial Employee Data");
    // Sort the employee data by last name
    // Print the employees that have been entered
    xEmployee.print("Sorted Employee List"); 
    cout << endl << endl; // Skip a few lines after list displayed
    string target = "";
    cout << "Please enter last name to search for: ";
    cin >> target; cin.ignore();
    // Search Array for target
    searchString(ARRAY GOES HERE, MAX_EmployeeS-1, target);
    //Pause program before shutting down

// Prompt for the user input on the employee's data
void Employee::inNameeID() {
        cout << "First Name: ";
        cin.getline( eName, MAX_NAME_SIZE); // First Name
        cout << "Last Name: ";
        cin.getline( eLName, MAX_NAME_SIZE); // Last Name
        cout << "Street Number: ";
        cin >> eStreetNum; cin.ignore(); // Street Number
        cout << "Street Name: ";
        cin.getline( eStreetName, MAX_SIZE); // Street Name
        cout << "City: ";
        cin.getline( eCity, MAX_SIZE); // City
        cout << "State: ";
        cin.getline( eState, MAX_SIZE); // State
        cout << "Zip Code: ";
        cin >> eZip; cin.ignore(); // Zip Code
        cout << "Customer ID: ";
        cin >> eID; cin.ignore();  // Customer ID
        cout << endl;

// Prompt for how many employees should be entered
void Employees::inEmployees() {
        cout << "Enter number of Employees (1 . . " << MAX_EmployeeS << ")" << endl << '>';
        cin >> size; cin.ignore(); 

// Display which employee is being entered
void Employees::inNameeID() {
        for ( int count = 0; count < size; count++ ) {
                cout << "Employee " << (count + 1) << endl;

// Print the employees that have been entered
void Employees::print(const char *prompt) {
        cout << prompt << endl;
        cout << "------------------------------" << endl;
        for ( int count = 0; count <size; count++ ) {
                cout << data[count].eLName << ", " << data[count].eName  << "\n"; // Last Name, First Name
                cout << data[count].eStreetNum << " " << data[count].eStreetName << "\n"; // Street Number Street Name
                cout << data[count].eCity << ", " << data[count].eState << " " << data[count].eZip << "\n"; // City, State Zip
                //cout << setw( 8 ) << left << "Customer ID: " <<data[count].eID << "\n"; // Customer ID
                cout << endl;
        cout << endl;

// Sort fuction used to sort through the employee struct and sort by last name else, customer ID
void Employees::sortNameeID() {
         int smallestOrLargest;
         int index;
         for ( int i = 0; i < size-1; i++ ) {
                int smallestOrLargest = i;
                for ( int index = i + 1; index < size; index++ ) {
                        int cmpName = strcmp(data[index].eLName, data[smallestOrLargest].eLName);
                        if (cmpName<0) { smallestOrLargest = index;
                        } else if (cmpName==0) { // names match
                                if (data[index].eID<data[smallestOrLargest].eID) {
                                        smallestOrLargest = index;
                if (smallestOrLargest != i) { //swap them
                        Employee temp = data[i];
                        data[i] = data[smallestOrLargest];
                        data[smallestOrLargest] = temp;
Thanks in advance if anyone can help! I have the function to search, but if there is another way to do this, then please help me!!