Hello all, I'm working on a simple drawing program in C++ that out puts postscript commands. Since I'm still pretty new to C++, I'm not sure if there is a better and more reliable way to dissect the input that I'm getting from the user.

The input looks like this:

Any amount of whitespace (including 0) is allowed between a parenthesis and the start or end of a command, and between commands. At least one character of whitespace is required to separate arguments within a command.

For example, the following would draw a thick green square, rotated 45 degrees.
(linewidth 5)
(color 0 0 1)
(linear 0.7071 0.7071 -0.7071 0.7071)(rect 100 100 100 100)

My current parse looks like this:

while(getline(cin, s1))
	    cstr = new char [s1.size()+1];
	    strcpy (cstr, s1.c_str());
	    p = strtok (cstr," ()");
            s2 = p;


	    s2 = p;

	    if(s2.compare("color") == 0){

	    if(s2.compare("linewidth") == 0){

	    if(s2.compare("line") == 0){

	    if((s2.compare("rect") == 0) || (s2.compare("filledrect") == 0)){
	    if((s2.compare("tri") == 0) || (s2.compare("filledtri") == 0)){

	    if((s2.compare("square") == 0) || (s2.compare("filledsquare") == 0)){
	}while(p = strtok (NULL," ()"));
This works well for the one line inputs like the color or linewidth but as seen in the above example input there can be a bunch of linears on the same line followed by a shape. I know there is a better way to parse the lines i get but i can't seem to figure it out. i was messing around with while and do while loops and came up with this. Any comments/feedback would be greatly appreciated!