As many of you will know, for those that are in college finals are coming soon.I already have mine, and well, i did crappy on it. I want to do the asignment right, just for pride reasons, and if this thread is deleted and or not answered, well i understand. but i have come to the conclusion my codeing is , well, in a word worse than the sound of nails on a chalkboard. so , i come to experts in giving me aid.

the program details are thus:

its a bank account program that allows the user to keep track of his checking account. the user can

make deposits
write checks
do witdthdrawls
search for check by payee
search for check by date
show listing of all deposits/checks made
display current balance

and saves and loads the information with the filenames of both input file and outputfile be chosen by the user.

i have enclosed what i have sent in as my final, i appoligse for its patheticness