I just skimmed, but it might have something to do with this:
StackNode(string word1, string word2, string word3, int value1, int value2, StackNode *next1 = NULL)
			word = word1;
			wordTwo = word2;
			wordThree = word3;
			value = value1;
			value = value2;
			next = next1;
Quote Originally Posted by tarheelfan_08 View Post
I have one final problem...my year is showing up wrong in the final out put!
I hate to have to say this, but you have more problems than that. Your Car / stack chimera class, the interface, the variable names... Nothing really makes any sense.

Somebody else made this suggestion, but you paid no attention. I'll repeat. Why don't you try something like this:
class Car
	string make;
	string model;
	string color;
	int year;
	int miles;

class StackNode
	Car data;
	StackNode* next;
Now you'll need to add public members, but part of your code should strongly resemble this.