Thank you for reading this and for any help in advance. I checked the FAQs and tutorials but this type of question did not seem to arise, and apologize if its just a simple, uninteresting problem.

I'm attempting to do the following:
1. Have one class of "Employee" serving as a base class, with differing types of employees as derived classes (such as "hourly worker", "commission worker" etc.) and polymorphically calculate the pay for each.
2. Within the private/protected members of the Employee base class is another class, "Date", which just holds a particular date for each employee.
3. The problem: how to send user-inputted data to both classes utilizing the parameters of each of the differing functions? I've been trying to do it in main () with the following code (hopeless I realize):

case 1: pEmployee [i] = new Employee (fname, lname, salaryType, baseSalary, birthMonth, birthDay, birthYear);

//pEmployee [i] = new Boss (fname, lname, salaryType, baseSalary), (birthMonth, birthDay, birthYear);
//I'd rather use the commented out "new Boss" code somehow...

...but I have no idea how to have the pointer to the employee object array take not only the "Date" class data as well as its own data, but then take in or copy the derived class ("Boss") data as well so the polymorphic activity for calculating the pay of each derived class can take place. Should I overload the assignment operator and just force the Boss derived-class to take the Employee base-class info? Am I just way off (probably)?

Here is the entire program code that I have to now...it is of course incomplete. The code in question is in the main () function near the end in the switch () area.

Thank you again for any help. I hope this makes some sense, and sorry for the length...

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#include <iomanip>
#include <cassert>

//#define birthdayRaise 100.00
#define NAMELENGTH 100
#define DEPARTMENTS 10

class Date //pretty much straight out of the Deitel C++ book
Date (int birthMonth = 1, int birthDay = 2, int birthYear = 1900); //default constructor.
void Print () const; //print data in mo/day/year format.
~Date (); //provided to confirm destruction order.
int month; //1-12.
int day; //1-31 based on month.
int year; //any year.

int CheckDay (int birthDay); //utility function to test proper day for month and year.
int CheckMonth (int birthMonth);
int CheckYear (int birthYear);

/* Date constructor: confirm proper value for month, call utility function
CheckDay () to confirm the proper value for day variable. */
Date:ate (int birthMonth, int birthDay, int birthYear)
month = CheckMonth (birthMonth); //validate month
day = CheckDay (birthDay); //validate day
year = CheckYear (birthYear);

} //end Date constructor

//validate month
int Date::CheckMonth (int birthMonth)
if (birthMonth > 0 && birthMonth <= 12) //month validation
month = birthMonth;
month = 1;
cout << "Month " << birthMonth << " is invalid. Set to month 1.\n";
return month;

/* Utility function to confirm proper day value based on month and year.
Is the year 2000 a leap year? */
int Date::CheckDay (int dyTest)
static const int daysPerMonth [13] = {0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};

if (dyTest > 0 && dyTest <= daysPerMonth [month])
return dyTest;

if (month == 2 && dyTest == 29 && (year % 400 == 0 || (year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0 )))
return dyTest;

cout << "Day " << dyTest << " is invalid. Setting to day 1.\n";

return 1; //ostensibly leaves object in a consistent state if a bad value exists.

//validate year
int Date::CheckYear (int yr)
if (yr >= 1900 && yr <= 2100)
year = yr;
year = 0000;
cout << "Year " << yr << " is not valid. Just set to 0000.\n";
return year;

/* Print the Date object in form month/day/year */
void Date::Print () const
cout << month << '/' << day << '/' << year;
}//end Date::Print ()

/* Destructor: provided to confirm destruction order */
Date::~Date ()
//cout << "Date object destructor for date: ";
//Print ();
//cout << endl;
//end Date class

class Employee //also mostly out of the Deitel book
//Employee () : firstname (NULL), lastname (NULL), departmentCode (0) {}
Employee (char *first, char *last, int deptCd = 0, int = 0, int = 0, int = 0);
~Employee ();
char SetFirstName (const char *first); //return first name
char SetLastName (const char *last); //return last name
int SetEmployeeCode (int deptCd);

const char *GetFirstName () const;
const char *GetLastName () const;
const int GetEmployeeCode () const;

virtual double Earnings () const;
virtual void Print () const;
char *firstname;
char *lastname;
int departmentCode;
Date birthDate;

//constructor dynamically allocates space for first/last name, strcpy to copy into object.
Employee::Employee (char *first, char *last, int deptCd,
int birthMonth, int birthDay, int birthYear)
: birthDate (birthMonth, birthDay, birthYear)
Employee::SetFirstName (first);
Employee::SetLastName (last);

departmentCode = deptCd;

//return first name of employee
char Employee::SetFirstName (const char *first)
firstname = new char [strlen (first) + 1];
assert (firstname != 0);
strcpy (firstname, first);

return *firstname;

//return last name
char Employee::SetLastName (const char *last)
lastname = new char [strlen (last) + 1];
assert (lastname != 0);
strcpy (lastname, last);

return *lastname;
//check for valid dept. code
int Employee::SetEmployeeCode (int deptCd)
if (deptCd <= 0 && deptCd > DEPARTMENTS)
cout << "There was an invalid department code entered.\n"
<< "Setting the code to 1.";
departmentCode = 1;
departmentCode = deptCd;
return departmentCode;

//destructor deallocates dynamically allocated memory
Employee::~Employee ()
delete [] firstname;
delete [] lastname;

//return pointer to firstname, const return type prevents caller from modifying private
//data. Caller should copy returned string before destructor deletes dynamic storage to
//prevent undefined pointer.
const char *Employee::GetFirstName () const
return firstname;

//same as GetFirstName () above
const char *Employee::GetLastName () const
return lastname;

const int Employee::GetEmployeeCode () const
return departmentCode;

double Employee::Earnings () const

void Employee::Print () const
cout << firstname << ' ' << lastname << endl;
//end Employee class

class Boss : public Employee //inherits Employee class
Boss (const char *first, const char *last, int deptCd, double sal);

void SetWeeklySalary (double sal);

virtual double Earnings () const;
virtual void Print () const;
double weeklySalary;

Boss::Boss (const char *first, const char *last, int deptCd, double sal)
: Employee (first, last, deptCd)
SetWeeklySalary (sal);

void Boss::SetWeeklySalary (double sal)
weeklySalary = sal > 0 ? sal : 0;

double Boss::Earnings () const
return weeklySalary;

void Boss::Print () const
cout << "Boss: ";
Employee::Print ();
//end Boss class

class CommissionWorker : public Employee
CommissionWorker (const char *first, const char *last, int deptCd,
double sal = 0.0, double comm = 0.0, int quant = 0);
void SetSalary (double sal);
void SetCommission (double comm);
void SetQuantity (int quant);

virtual double Earnings () const;
virtual void Print () const;
double salary; //base salary per week
double commission; //amount per item sold
int quantity; //total items sold for the week

CommissionWorker::CommissionWorker (const char *first, const char *last, int deptCd,
double sal, double comm, int quant) : Employee (first, last, deptCd)
SetSalary (sal);
SetCommission (comm);
SetQuantity (quant);

void CommissionWorker::SetSalary (double sal)
salary = sal > 0 ? sal : 0;

void CommissionWorker::SetCommission (double comm)
commission = comm > 0 ? comm : 0;

void CommissionWorker::SetQuantity (int quant)
quantity = quant > 0 ? quant : 0;

double CommissionWorker::Earnings () const
return salary + commission * quantity;

void CommissionWorker::Print () const
cout << "\nCommission Worker: ";
Employee::Print ();
//end CommissionWorker class

class PieceWorker : public Employee
PieceWorker (const char *first, const char *last, int deptCd, double wa = 0.0, int quant = 0);
void SetWage (double wa);
void SetQuantity (int quant);

virtual double Earnings () const;
virtual void Print () const;
double wagePerPiece; //wage for each piece output
int quantity; //output per week

PieceWorker::PieceWorker (const char *first, const char *last, int deptCd, double wa, int quant)
: Employee (first, last, deptCd)
SetWage (wa);
SetQuantity (quant);

//set the wage
void PieceWorker::SetWage (double wa)
wagePerPiece = wa > 0 ? wa : 0;

//set the number of items output
void PieceWorker::SetQuantity (int quant)
quantity = quant > 0 ? quant : 0;

//determine the pieceworkers earnings
double PieceWorker::Earnings () const
return quantity * wagePerPiece;

//print the pieceworker's name
void PieceWorker::Print () const
cout << "\nPiece Worker: ";
Employee::Print ();
//end PieceWorker class

class HourlyWorker : public Employee
HourlyWorker (const char *first, const char *last, int deptCd, double wa = 0.0, double hrs = 0.0);
void SetWage (double wa);
void SetHours (double hrs);

virtual double Earnings () const;
virtual void Print () const;
double wage;
double hours;

HourlyWorker::HourlyWorker (const char *first, const char *last, int deptCd,
double wa, double hrs) : Employee (first, last, deptCd)
SetWage (wa);
SetHours (hrs);

//set wage
void HourlyWorker::SetWage (double wa)
wage = wa > 0 ? wa : 0;

//set hours worked
void HourlyWorker::SetHours (double hrs)
hours = hrs >= 0 && hrs < 168 ? hrs : 0;

//get the HourlyWorker's pay
double HourlyWorker::Earnings () const
if (hours <= 40) //no ot
return wage * hours;
else //ot paid at wages * 1.5
return 40 * wage + (hours - 40) * wage * 1.5;


//print the HourlyWorker's name
void HourlyWorker::Print () const
cout << "\n Hourly Worker: ";
Employee::Print ();

void VirtualViaPointer (const Employee *baseClassPtr);
void VirtualViaReference (const Employee &baseClassRef);

int main (void)
/* Local variables */
Employee *pEmployee [3];
//Date birthDate;

char *fname = NULL;
char *lname = NULL;
double baseSalary = 0.0;
int salaryType = 0;
int pieceOutput = 0;
int hoursWorked = 0;
double commisRate = 0.0;
int quantitySold = 0;

int birthMonth = 0;
int birthDay = 0;
int birthYear = 0;

/* Statements */
cout << setiosflags (ios::fixed | ios::showpoint)
<< setprecision (2);

cout << "**A short program to give a raise on an employee's birthday.**\n\n"
<< " --------------------------------------------------------- \n" <<endl;
cout << "When prompted, you will have the following options for the type "
<< "of employee salary: \n"
<< "1. Management. \n"
<< "2. Commission Worker.\n"
<< "3. Piece worker.\n"
<< "4. Hourly worker.\n\n" << endl;

for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
fname = new char [NAMELENGTH];
lname = new char [NAMELENGTH];

cout << "\n";
cout << "The first name of the employee is: ";
cin.getline (fname, 10, '\n');

cout << "The last name: ";
cin.getline (lname, 10, '\n');

cout << "Please enter the birthdate of the employee: \n"
<< "\nMonth: ";
cin >> birthMonth;
cin.get ();

cout << "\nBirth Day: ";
cin >> birthDay;
cin.get ();

cout << "\nYear: ";
cin >> birthYear;
cin.get ();

cout << "Enter the employee's base salary: ";
cin >> baseSalary;
cin.get ();

cout << "Please enter the employee salary type (seen above); ";
cin >> salaryType;
cin.get (); //eliminates newline char from input buffer

//Date (birthMonth, birthDay, birthYear);

switch (salaryType)
case 0: cout << "Invalid employee salary type entered. Please try again.";
case 1: pEmployee [i] = new Employee (fname, lname, salaryType, baseSalary, birthMonth, birthDay, birthYear);
//pEmployee [i] = new Boss (fname, lname, salaryType, baseSalary), (birthMonth, birthDay, birthYear);
case 2: cout << "Please enter the commission amount: ";
cin >> commisRate;
cin.get ();

cout << "Enter the amount of items sold: ";
cin >> quantitySold;
cin.get ();

pEmployee [i] = new CommissionWorker (fname, lname, salaryType, baseSalary, commisRate, quantitySold);
case 3: cout << "For the piece worker, please enter the amount of completed pieces: ";
cin >> pieceOutput;
cin.get ();

pEmployee [i] = new PieceWorker (fname, lname, salaryType, baseSalary, pieceOutput); //wage
case 4: cout << "For hourly employees, please enter the amount of hours worked: ";
cin >> hoursWorked;
cin.get ();

pEmployee [i] = new HourlyWorker (fname, lname, salaryType, baseSalary, hoursWorked); //wage
default: cout << "Invalid employee salary type entered. Please try again.";
return 0;