Thread: How do I convert this Array Program into a linked list program??

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    Registered User
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    Mar 2010

    How do I convert this Array Program into a linked list program??

    Hey Guys what i need to do is turn my current menu operated structured array of student records ( NAME, NAME, ID, GPA) that consists of Adding a student, finding a student, display all data in database, save data, load data, and deleting a student, into a linked list that has the same functionality as the structured array program. Can someone please help me?


    #include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <iomanip>
    #include <sstream>
    #include <string>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include "StudentRec.h"
    #include "DatabaseIO.h"
    #include "RecordProcessing.h"

    using namespace std;
    //Global Declaration

    StudentRec students[ISIZE];
    ifstream inFile;
    int arraysize;

    int main()
    string buffer;
    int selection = 0;
    const int NOTOK = 1;

    read_file(students, "studentrecord.txt");
    SortStudentArray(students, ISIZE);

    while(selection != 5)
    cout << "Please choose" << endl <<
    "(1) Add a student record" << endl <<
    "(2) Delete a student record" << endl <<
    "(3) Find a student's information" << endl <<
    "(4) Display all information in the database" << endl <<
    "(5) Exit Program" << endl;
    cin >> selection;

    cout << "You have entered an invalid selection, Terminating program!..." << endl;

    if(selection < 0 or selection > 5)
    cout << "Invalid selection, Terminating program!..." << endl;

    if(selection == 1)

    if(selection == 2)
    StudentRec dummy;

    if(selection == 3)
    string ID;
    cout << "Please enter Student ID: ";
    cin >> ID;
    int position;
    position = BinarySearch(students, 0, arraysize, ID);
    if (position == -1)
    cout << "Not Found" << endl;
    cout << students[position].Name << "\t";
    cout << students[position].ID << "\t";
    cout << students[position].GPA << endl;

    if(selection == 4)

    if(selection == 5)
    save_database(students, "studentrecord.txt");
    } //Ends While loop

    } //Ends Int main


    using namespace std;
    struct StudentRec
    string Name;
    string ID;
    double GPA;

    struct StudentListNode
    StudentRec students;
    StudentListNode *next;

    const int ISIZE = 100;

    ****(Function definitions left out)*****
    Last edited by beelyshe; 03-16-2010 at 07:28 AM.

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