Kind of new at this, but I had a question that I couldnt answer on my own. I was fooling around with classes, and I made several members of classes and I wanted to call them up based on what someone typed.


string mdl;
cin >> mdl;

cout << mdl.make << endl << mdl.year << endl << "$" << mdl.price << endl << "Space #" << << endl << endl;
This of course, doesnt work, because it thinks that mdl is some sort of member of the class and its saying that it doesnt have a make attribute etc etc. Im wondering how I can use mdl as a variable in this situation, so depending on what i typed in for mdl, It would give me all of its stuff. So if mdl = camaro, or mdl = escape, then it would give me camaro.make , or escape.make etc. in this situation.

If its not possible like this, thats fine, I was just wondering.
