I'm extremely new to c++.

I've been reading the tutorials and decided to write my own little program

I want the program to ask a couple of questions, and based on your answers, output your score as a percentage.

I was able to write part of it, but I don't know how to complete it.

I can't figure out how to get the program to see how many you got right, then calculate your score.

Such as, if I got two right, I want it to say "your score is 66%" Or if I just got one right, "your score is 33%"

How would I go about doing this?

Heres the code I have so far.

using namespace std;

int main ()
    int add;
    int sub;
    int div;

    cout << "Whats 2 + 2? ";
    cin >> add;
    cout << "Whats 2 - 2? ";
    cin >> sub;
    cout << "Whats 20 / 4? ";
    cin >> div;

if (add == 4 && sub == 0 && div == 5)
   cout << "Your score is 100%! \n ";
       cout << "You got one wrong :( \n";
return 0;