Ok here is my homework assignment... I have it working for some instances but not for others.

Here is the code that does the conversion..

Essentially i have a string like... C++ is awesome!

it must convert C++ to java.
then it converts all letters to Uppercase

I have it working with there is one instance of C++, however if there is none or more than one it will not work proper. Im figured i need to do some kind of loop that goes through checking for C++ and changing it if it finds it .... not sure how exactly to do that

modified = original;
pos = original.find("C++");

upperStr = modified;

int i = 0;

while (i<modified.length())
	if (modified[i] == ' ' || modified[i] == ',' || modified[i] == '.')
		upperStr[i] = modified[i];
	if (modified[i] >= 65 && modified[i] <= 90)
		upperStr[i] = modified[i] + 32;
	if (modified[i] >= 97 && modified[i] <= 122)
		upperStr[i] = modified[i] - 32;
