I want to create a program that asks the user to input a word ,
then it searches the word in the given txt file. So far what i have been able to do is ,
i have used the getline function, to display the contents , then i have converted the std::string line
to c-string to get tokens ,now i want to compare these tokens with the word that the user entered,
but i dun know how.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

using namespace std;

int main ()
  	char * 			  cstr;
	char * 			  p;
	string 			  line;
	fstream 		  myfile;
	char delim[]	  ="  :,.-;!?_-()";
	char 			  arr[12];
	cout<<"Enter a word to check whether it is in the text file:";

	myfile.open ("Ahoo.txt");

  		if (myfile.is_open())
				while (!myfile.eof())
						getline (myfile,line);
						cstr = new char [line.size()+1];	
						strcpy (cstr, line.c_str());											
						p=strtok (cstr,delim);													
							while (p!=NULL)
    							cout << p << endl;

 						delete[] cstr;  

				cout<<"File not opened";
  return 0;