So I just started C++ and have been reading through notes and working on tasks given to me by my lecturer. I have came across a few things I can't figure out.

1. Removing decimal places on a float number if it comes out as whole number.

sum = firstNumber + secondNumber + thirdNumber;
average = static_cast<float>(sum)/3;

cout << "The average is: " << fixed << average << endl;
Say average turns out to be 6, it will display as 6.00. I want to remove the decimal points so it displays as 6. But if it comes out like 6.53, I want to keep it like that.

2. Displaying the £ sign in C++. If I do,
cout << "£";
It will display something like "ủ".

3. Using strings in loops.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

void main()
	float hours, salary, rateOfPay;
	char reply;
	string name;

	cout << "Please enter the name: ";
	cout << "Please enter the rate of pay: ";
	cin >> rateOfPay;
	cout << "Please enter the amount of hours worked: ";
	cin >> hours;

	salary = rateOfPay * hours;
	cout << "The salary is: " << fixed << salary << endl;
	cout << "Do you have any more employees? ";
	cin >> reply;
	} while (reply !='N');
When this code is executed it works fine the first time, when I press Y for more employees, it completely skips getline(cin,name);.
My code when ran looks something like this.

Please enter the name: Jim Murray
Please enter the rate of pay: 10
Please enter the amount of hours worked: 10
The salary is: 100.00
Do you have any more employess? Y
Please enter the name: Please enter the rate of pay: 10
Please enter the amount of hours worked: 10
The salary is: 100
Do you have anymore employees? N