I thought this was a kind of interesting experiment (results included in comments in the file):

	Testing how unnecessary #includes influence
	the size of the compiled file

	Compiled in VC++ 2008, here are the file sizes for the executable:
	1) completely empty program with no #include: 27KB for .exe; 294KB for linker
	2) #include <iostream>: 27KB; 302KB for linker file
	3) #include <iostream> and #include <string>: 27KB; 302KB for linker 
	4) using namespace std; : 27KB; 314KB for linker
	5) with both #includes as well as minimal code (no using): 33KB for .exe; 319KB for linker

	Conclusion here: #include has no influence on the size of the .exe but only
	on the linker file--and even there the influence is pretty small
	Only the USE of the libraries increases size of executable.

	Programmer: Marshall Farrier
	Date: 12/21/09

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
//using namespace std; // for 4)

int main()
	std::string str = "Hasta la vista!\n"; // added for 5)
	std::cout << str; // added for 5)
	return 0;
Dumb question: In order to run this outside of an IDE, exactly which file(s) would be needed? Just the .exe? or is the incremental linker file also necessary?