I have defined an abstract class so I must use reference to that class... I also use a list with that type... the problem is when I intent to use the iterator as an argument to a function.
This is the snap:
 void sustituir(CTermino *&termino)
      //Dado un termino, le aplica la sustituciÃģn y lo entrega modificacdo
          Parser parser;
        if (!(invalida) && !(esSustitucionVacia()))
         //Solicito la lista de parametros del termino, para atenderlo en caso de que sea una funcion
         list<CTermino> * listaParametros = termino->getListaParametros();
         list<CTermino>::iterator it = listaParametros->begin();

         //Dependiendo del tipo de termino que sea, lo sustituyo         
         switch (!(termino->perteneceVariable(termino) || parser.esConstante(termino->getSimbolo()))) {
            case false:
                      if ( mapaReemplazos.find(termino->getSimbolo()) != mapaReemplazos.end())
                        termino = (mapaReemplazos[termino->getSimbolo()]).second;
            case true:
                      while (it != listaParametros->end()) 
                        sustituir (*it);
            default: ;
         delete listaParametros;             
When I compile I got:
error: no matching function for call to 'CSustitucion::sustituir(CTermino&)'
note: candidates are: void CSustitucion::sustituir(CTermino*&)

Is it possible to do what I intent to do? What should I do in order to correct such compile error?

Thanks in advance!!!!!