Thread: Help with structures and classes

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Murfreesboro, TN

    Help with structures and classes

    Hi guys,

    I have to write a program that will read in large numbers from a file as strings, then store each digit in a linked list. The program will then add or subtract each line depending on the operator between them and return a result. My instructor has provided the class definition files and a simple structure for the entire program, however I am a little confused on how to store a linked list in a single variable. In the main program he has:

    BigInt result, rhs;

    result = BigInt(operand1);

    BigInt is the name of the class and there is a constructor for BigInt that has a string parameter. Basically my question is how do I store this linked list in result so that result contains the integer? I'm not sure if that makes sense... here are the files if they might help explain it better.

    /* Jerome Collins
    CSCS 2170
    Open Lab 5
    Due Nov 16, 2009 */
    #include <fstream>
    #include "BigInt.h"
    using namespace std;
    int main( void )
        ifstream    ifs;"data.txt");
        if ( !ifs )
            cout << "Cannot open the file data.txt!" << endl;
            return -1;
            string      operand1, operand2;
            char        op;
            BigInt      result, rhs;
    		//read the first value  
    		ifs >> operand1;
    		result = BigInt(operand1);
    	   /*//read operator and operand
    	    ifs >> op >> operand2;
    		//process all dat in file
            while ( !ifs.eof() )
                rhs = BigInt(operand2);
    			//what operation is needed?
                if ( op == '-' )
                    result = result - rhs;
                else if ( op == '+' )
                    result = result + rhs;
    			//print the result of the operation
                cout << result << endl;
    			//next opeator and operand from he file
                ifs >> op >> operand2;
    		//no more data
            return 0;

    #ifndef _BIGINT_H_
    #define _BIGINT_H_
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    class BigInt
        //create a list to represent integer +0
        //constructor: create a list to represent integer sepecified by the string bigintstr
        // assume bigintstr is a string consists of digits, and may start with + or - to
        // indicate the sign of the integer.
        BigInt(std::string bigintstr);
        //copy constructor
        BigInt( const BigInt& );
        //overloaded + operator: it calculates and returns the total of "current" integer with
        //the integer represented by rhs.
        BigInt operator + (const BigInt& rhs) const;
        //overloaded + operator: it calculates and returns the difference between "current" integer 
        //and the integer represented by rhs.
        BigInt operator - (const BigInt& rhs) const;
        // The implementation of the following two functions are provided by the instructor.//
        // Assignment operator. The implementation of this function is provided by the instructor
        BigInt& operator = (const BigInt& rhs);
        //overloaded << operator as global function
        friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const BigInt& rhs );
        //Calculate the addition of two integers represented by lhs and rhs.
        //The calculation will ignore the signs of both lhs and rhs.
        //The return result will be a positive number.
        //precondition: lhs and rhs are not 0
        //               The absolute value of lhs is not smaller than 
        //               the absolute value of rhs.
        BigInt add(const BigInt& lhs, const BigInt& rhs) const;
        //Calculate the difference of two integers represented by lhs and rhs, i.e. lhs - rhs
        //The calculation will ignore the signs of both lhs and rhs.
        //The return result will be a positive number.
        //precondition: lhs and rhs are not 0
        //              The absolute value of lhs is not smaller than 
        //              the absolute value of rhs.
        BigInt subtract(const BigInt& lhs, const BigInt& rhs) const;
        struct ListNode
            int         digit;
            ListNode*   next;
        /*The signum of this BigInteger: -1 for negative, 0 for zero, or
         * 1 for positive. Note that the BigInteger zero <i>must</i> have
         * a signum of 0. This is necessary to ensures that there is exactly one
         * representation for each BigInteger value. */ 
        int         signum; 
        ListNode    *headPtr;   //the header pointer to the list
        //The following three functions are helper functions. Instructor provides//
        //the implementation of them.                                            // 
        //compare the absolute values of lhs and rhs
        //return 0 if |lhs| = |rhs|
        //return -1 if |lhs| < |rhs|
        //return 1 if |lhs| > |rhs|
        int compareAbsoluteValue(const BigInt& rhs) const;
        //Make a deep copy of the list org, and returned the duplicated list 
        //through the parameter copy
        void copyList(const ListNode *org, ListNode *&copy);
        //Destroy the list org
        void destroyList(ListNode *& org);
    #include "BigInt.h"
    using namespace std;
    //create a list to represent integer +0
    	headPtr = new ListNode;           
    	headPtr->digit = 0;        		
    	headPtr->next = NULL;
    //constructor: bigintstr represents the big integer
    BigInt::BigInt(std::string bigintstr) 
    	int size = bigintstr.length();
    	int count = 0;
    	// Store each digit of the string in the struct
    	while (count < size-1)
    	cout << bigintstr[count] << endl;
    //copy constructor
    BigInt::BigInt( const BigInt& rhs )
    	//need to complete this
    	//you may delete statements in this block and write your own
        destroyList( headPtr );
    void BigInt::copyList(const ListNode *org, ListNode *&copy)
       if (org == NULL)
          copy = NULL;  // original list is empty
       {  // copy first node
          copy = new ListNode;
          copy->digit = org->digit;
          copy->next = NULL;
          // copy rest of list
          ListNode *newPtr = copy;  // new list pointer
          // newPtr points to last node in new list
          // origPtr points to nodes in original list
          for ( ListNode *origPtr = org->next;
    	        origPtr != NULL;
    	        origPtr = origPtr->next)
            newPtr->next = new ListNode;
            newPtr = newPtr->next;
    	    newPtr->digit = origPtr->digit;
            newPtr->next = NULL;
          }  // end for
       }  // end if
    void BigInt::destroyList(ListNode *& org)
        while( org != NULL )
            ListNode    *second = org->next;
            org->next = NULL;
            delete org;
            org = second;
    BigInt& BigInt::operator = (const BigInt& rhs)
        if ( this != &rhs )
            destroyList( headPtr );
            signum = rhs.signum;
            copyList(rhs.headPtr, headPtr);
        return *this;
    //compare the absolute value of lhs and rhs
    //return 0 if lhs = rhs
    //return -1 if lhs < rhs
    //return 1 if lhs > rhs
    int BigInt::compareAbsoluteValue(const BigInt& rhs) const
        string  lhsVal;
        string  rhsVal;
        if ( signum == 0 )
            lhsVal = "0";
            for(ListNode    *lhsPtr = headPtr; lhsPtr != NULL; lhsPtr=lhsPtr->next)
                lhsVal.insert(0, string(1, char(lhsPtr->digit + '0'))); 
        if ( rhs.signum == 0 )
            rhsVal = "0";
            for(ListNode    *rhsPtr = rhs.headPtr; rhsPtr != NULL; rhsPtr=rhsPtr->next)
                rhsVal.insert(0, string(1, char(rhsPtr->digit + '0'))); 
        if ( lhsVal.length() < rhsVal.length() )
            return -1;
        else if ( lhsVal.length() > rhsVal.length() )
            return 1;
            return rhsVal );
    //Addition of two positive numbers, and return the result
    //We do addition assuming that two numbers are positive
    BigInt BigInt::add(const BigInt& large, const BigInt& small) const
        BigInt      result(large);
    	//need to complete this
    	//you may delete statements in this block and write your own
        return result;
    //Subtraction of two positive numbers, and return the result
    //We do subtraction assuming that two numbers are positive
    BigInt BigInt::subtract(const BigInt& large, const BigInt& small) const
        BigInt      result(large);
    	//need to complete this
    	//you may delete statements in this block and write your own
        return result;
    BigInt BigInt::operator + (const BigInt& rhs) const
        BigInt      result;
    	//need to complete this
    	//you may delete statements in this block and write your own
        return result;
    BigInt BigInt::operator - (const BigInt& rhs) const
        BigInt      result;
    	//need to complete this
    	//you may delete statements in this block and write your own
        return result;
    std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const BigInt& rhs )
        string  rhsVal;
        if ( rhs.signum == 0 )
            rhsVal = "0";
            for(BigInt::ListNode    *rhsPtr = rhs.headPtr; rhsPtr != NULL; rhsPtr=rhsPtr->next)
                rhsVal.insert(0, string(1, char(rhsPtr->digit + '0'))); 
        if ( rhs.signum < 0 )
            rhsVal.insert(0, "-");
        os << rhsVal;
        return os;

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Murfreesboro, TN
    And I was just messing around with the constructor where I have:

    	int size = bigintstr.length();
    	int count = 0;
    	// Store each digit of the string in the struct
    	while (count < size-1)
    	cout << bigintstr[count] << endl;
    I guess you could say this constructor is what I need help with. I've never really understood linked lists.

    I was thinking something like:

    //constructor: bigintstr represents the big integer
    BigInt::BigInt(std::string bigintstr) 
    	int size = bigintstr.length();
    	int count = 0;
    	ListNode *bigInt, *p;
    	bigInt = new ListNode;
    	p = new ListNode;
    	// Store each digit of the string in the struct
    	bigInt->digit = bigintstr[count];
    	bigInt->next = NULL;
    	while (count < size-1)
    		p->digit = bigintstr[count];
    		p->next = bigInt;
    		bigInt = p;
    But this causes the program to crash... any suggestions?

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