Hi guys,

I'm trying to read in a file in binary mode. The file is 684 bytes. If you look at it under a hex editor, you'll notice that there are 15 bytes of all zeros starting around the 85th byte. For some reason, whenever I try to read this, the buffer will store everything up to the end of those 15 bytes and then doesn't store anything else from the file.

Does anyone know why this might be happening? It's a bit mind-boggling to me.

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>

int main()
	ifstream myfile("STLBox.stl", ios::binary || ios::in);
	char bigbuffer[684];
	myfile.read(bigbuffer, 684);
	cout << bigbuffer;
I've attached the file as well (you'll have to rename it to STLBox.stl)