HELLO EVERYONE, I have an assignment question in which i have to find all the poosible solution to solve a maze.I need to build the algorithm through recursion.I have done it for single path but now i have to find all the possible paths.For this,i guess,i have to open all the "visited" cells again so that in backtracking,function again goes through another path.
My question is that where should i "open" all the "visited cells again so that while backtracking,function receives it as "unvisited".I am pasting my code here.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

/* ============================= */
/* =====  Global Variables ===== */
/* ============================= */
enum gameStatus {pending, success, impossible};

/* =============================== */
/* ===== Function Prototypes ===== */
/* =============================== */
void ReadMaze(char Maze[10][10],int& row,int& col,int& mouse,int& cheese);
void DrawMaze(char Maze[10][10],int& row,int& col,int& mouse,int& cheese);
void EscapeMaze(char Maze[10][10], int cpx, int cpy, const int spx, const int spy, const int epx, const int epy, 
				const int hbx, const int hby, gameStatus& status,int& nosol,int row,int col,int cheese,int mouse);

/* ========================= */
/* ===== Main Function ===== */
/* ========================= */
int main()
	// Defining maze array and positioning variables
    int row,col,mouse,cheese;
    char Maze[10][10];
    for (int i=0;i<row;i++)
        for (int j=0;j<col;j++)
  	int spx = mouse;
	int spy = col-1;
	int epy = 0;
	int epx = 0;
	int hbx = 0;
	int hby = 0;
	int cpx = spx;
	int cpy = spy;
	int nosol = 0;
	// Defining status variable and setting its initial value
	gameStatus status;
    status = pending;
	EscapeMaze(Maze, cpx, cpy, spx, spy, epx, epy, hbx, by,status,nosol,row,col,cheese,mouse);
    if (status == impossible)
		cout << "No path exists" << endl;
	return 0;
} /* end main */

/* ================================ */
/* ===== Function Definitions ===== */
/* ================================ */


void ReadMaze(char Maze[10][10],int& row,int& col,int& mouse,int& cheese)
    int m = -1,n = 0;   
    ifstream ifile;
		for (int n = 0; n < col ; n++)
			ifile >> Maze[m][n];
		} /* end for */
	} /* end while */
	 // cout<<i<<" "<<j<<" "<<k<<" "<<l<<endl;
} /* end ReadMaze */

void DrawMaze(char Maze[10][10],int& row,int& col,int& mouse,int& cheese)
	for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < col; j++)
			cout << Maze[i][j] << " ";
		} /* end for */
		cout << endl;
	} /* end for */
} /* end DrawMaze */

void EscapeMaze(char Maze[10][10], int cpx, int cpy, const int spx, const int spy, const int epx, const int epy, 
				const int hbx, const int hby, gameStatus& status,int& nosol,int row,int col,int cheese,int mouse)
 //   system("pause"); 
	if (cpx <= row && cpy <= col && cpx >= hbx && cpy >= hby)
		if (cpx == cheese && cpy == cheese)
			Maze[cheese][cheese] = '*';
	        status = success;
		} /* end if */
			Maze[cpy][cpx] = '*';
			// Check positions for all directions

			if ((Maze[cpy][cpx+1] == '0') || (Maze[cpy][cpx+1] == 'X')) 
    			EscapeMaze(Maze, cpx+1, cpy, spx, spy, epx, epy, hbx, hby, status, nosol, row, col, cheese,mouse); // right
            if ((Maze[cpy][cpx+2] == '0') || (Maze[cpy][cpx+2] == 'X')) 
    			EscapeMaze(Maze, cpx+2, cpy, spx, spy, epx, epy, hbx, hby, status, nosol, row, col, cheese,mouse); // right
            if ((Maze[cpy][cpx-1] == '0') || (Maze[cpy][cpx-1] == 'X'))
				EscapeMaze(Maze, cpx-1, cpy, spx, spy, epx, epy, hbx, hby, status, nosol,row, col, cheese,mouse); // left
			if ((Maze[cpy][cpx-2] == '0') || (Maze[cpy][cpx-2] == 'X'))
				EscapeMaze(Maze, cpx-2, cpy, spx, spy, epx, epy, hbx, hby, status, nosol,row, col, cheese,mouse); // left
            if ((Maze[cpy-1][cpx] == '0') || (Maze[cpy-1][cpx] == 'X'))
				EscapeMaze(Maze, cpx, cpy-1, spx, spy, epx, epy, hbx, hby, status, nosol, row, col, cheese,mouse); // up
	        if ((Maze[cpy-2][cpx] == '0') || (Maze[cpy-2][cpx] == 'X'))
				EscapeMaze(Maze, cpx, cpy-2, spx, spy, epx, epy, hbx, hby, status, nosol, row, col, cheese,mouse); // up
            Maze[cpy][cpx] = '0';  //I think here it should "open" again.. 
			if (status != success)
				if (cpx == spx && cpy == spy)
					status = impossible;
                Maze[cpy][cpx] = '1';
			} /* end if */
		} /* end else */

	} /* end if */
} /* end EscapeMaze */

The main problem is in Escape maze function.Can anyone tell me that where should i "open" the cells again?