I am trying to write a program that:
write a function called convert that accepts 4 arguments as follows:
1) integer seconds
2) reference int hours
3) reference int minutes
4) reference int remain_sec

Convert within your function the value of the integer "seconds" into hours, minutes, and remaining seconds. Assign these values to your reference variables within the "convert" function. Return to the main() function and print the corresponding arguments as referenced by the convert() function. Do not use global variables.......

... This is what I have so far....


void(convert(int, int&, int&, int&, int&, &int&);

int main()
int seconds, hours, minutes, remain_sec;
cout<<"Please enter seconds:";

int seconds;
cout<<"Enter seconds";
cin>> seconds;

hours = seconds/360;

minutes = hours/60;

remain_sec = minutes/60;


Any suggestions or help would be appreciated...

[email protected]