I've been using wxDevC++ forever with no problem, and when I installed Visual C++ 2008 Express(I also installed OpenGL and Glut), it seems to have conflict with wxDevC++.
[Resource Error] can't popen `gcc -E -xc -DRC_INVOKED -IC:/PROGRA~1/Dev-Cpp/include/common Objects/MingW/<My Project Resource File>.RC': Invalid argument
I've been compiling these projects for ages now and now only AFTER i installed Visual C++ does it give me this error.
I think the two compilers are getting mixed up, the OpenGL and glut stuff may have mixed up something.
I followed the website OpenGL Video Tutorial - Home
Here are the steps I followed to set up OpenGL:
1. Download Visual C++ Express and the Microsoft Platform SDK from the Microsoft website. Note that when you download the SDK, it may say something about Windows Server. Don't worry about that; it'll install just fine on any modern version of Windows.
2. Install Visual C++ and the SDK.
3. Download the OpenGL installer from here and the GLUT binary from here.
4. Run the OpenGL installer.
5. Extract GLUT to the directory of your choice. You can do this by creating a new directory, locating and opening the ZIP file using Windows Explorer, and copying the files to the new directory using copy-paste. Alternatively, you can use a free program like WinZip to extract GLUT.
6. In the directory to which you extracted GLUT, make two folders, one called "include" and one called "lib". In the "include" folder, create another folder called "GL", and move glut.h to that folder. Move all of the other files that you extracted for GLUT into the "lib" folder.
7. Run Visual C++ Express. Go to Tools -> Options, then Projects and Solutions -> VC++ Directories. Note where it says "Show directories for". You'll want to change the directories for include files by adding "x\include", "y\include", and "z\Include" and to change the directories for library files by adding "x\lib", "y\lib", and "z\Lib", where "x" is the folder where you installed OpenGL, "y" is the folder where you extracted GLUT, and "z" is the folder where you installed the Microsoft Platform SDK.
8. Change your PATH environment variable as follows: go to the control panel, and go to System. Go to the "Advanced" tab and click on "Environment Variables". Find the "PATH" (or "Path") variable. Change it by adding ";x\lib;y\lib;z\Lib" (without the quotes) to the end of it, where again, "x", "y", and "z" are the folders where you installed OpenGL, GLUT, and the Microsoft Platform SDK. Make sure there are no spaces before or after the semicolons.
9. Reboot your computer, so that Windows will recognise the changes to the PATH environment variable.
Other than that, all I did was compile stuff with Visual C++ and OpenGL and it worked fine, and now I just have this resource error with wxDevC++, I'm not good at this linking stuff
And I have checked the compiler options, the lib, include, and binaries are all where they should be where it is installed.
Once again, it all worked perfectly until AFTER I installed Visual C++, OpenGL, and Glut.
Any help would make my day.