i am supposed to write a function based off of the code i have so far that can generate the 5 letter sequences that are 1 letter different from a givin input; also identify the sequences that actually works.

im not sure how to begin this but here is code so far: (wordTest is my function i just dont have anything in it)

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <set>
using namespace std;

void wordTest(string);

int main()
	set<string> myset;
	set<string>::iterator iter;

	string word, search;
	ifstream infile;

	while (infile >> word)

	for (iter = myset.begin(); iter != myset.end(); iter++)
		cout << *iter << endl;

	cout << "Enter word to search for: ";
	cin >> search;

	iter = myset.find(search);
	if (iter == myset.end())
		cout << "That word is not in the set" << endl;
		cout << *iter << " is in the set" << endl;


	return 0;

void wordTest (string search)