howdy boyz n gals:

Ok here is my dilemea, i'm using my FIND function to INSERT a given data value after another given data value in a tree. Say I want 3 to be the right child of 8. So i have a find function that will find 8 in the tree, but when i compile it won't work. core dump each time. It says that it can't convert. I don't know what this means. I am pretty sure i'm returning a pointer to the node containing 8. here is my code for both the find and the insert functions.

//my public class function declarations:
template <class Comparable>
        void BinarySearchTree<Comparable>::insert( const Comparable & x )
            insert( x, root );
//the private version
        template <class Comparable>
        void BinarySearchTree<Comparable>::
        insert( const Comparable & x, BinaryNode<Comparable> * & t ) const
            if( t == NULL )
                t = new BinaryNode<Comparable>( x, NULL, NULL );
            else if( x < t->element )
                insert( x, t->left );
            else if( t->element < x )
                insert( x, t->right );
                ;  // Duplicate; do nothing

//private find function returning pointer to T
    template <class Comparable>
        BinaryNode<Comparable> *
        find( const Comparable & x, BinaryNode<Comparable> *t ) const
            if( t == NULL )
                return NULL;
            else if( x < t->element )
                return find( x, t->left );
            else if( t->element < x )
                return find( x, t->right );
                return t;    // Match

//public find function
        template <class Comparable>
        const Comparable & BinarySearchTree<Comparable>::
                                 find( const Comparable & x ) const
            return  find( x, root ) ;

 const Comparable & find( const Comparable & x ) const;
            void insert( const Comparable & x);

            void insert( const Comparable & x, BinaryNode<Comparable> * & t ) const;        		BinaryNode<Comparable> * find( const Comparable & x, BinaryNode<Comparable> *t ) const;
thanks i fried my brain all nite and couldn't figure this out...