I wanted to created a rotation function for rotating unsigned int arrays. After browsing for some good sources, I came up with the following code :

void   RotationFunction( unsigned int * array, int Width, int Height, int angle)
   { //calculations of the new Width and Height
     long x1 = ( -Height * fp16sin[angle] );
     long y1 = (  Height * fp16cos[angle] );
     long x2 = (  Width  * fp16cos[angle] ) - ( Height * fp16sin[angle] );
     long y2 = (  Height * fp16cos[angle] ) +  (Width  * fp16sin[angle] );
     long x3 = (  Width  * fp16cos[angle] );
     long y3 = (  Width  * fp16sin[angle] );
     long minx = min(0,min(x1,min(x2,x3 ) ) );
     long miny = min(0,min(y1,min(y2,y3 )  ) );
     long maxx = max(x1,max(x2,x3) );
     long maxy = max(y1,max(y2,y3) );
     //Created as a global variable just for this prototype test
      NewWidth = ( maxx - minx )>>16;
      NewHeight =( maxy - miny )>>16; 
     unsigned int * ptr  = (unsigned int *) calloc(NewWidth * NewHeight, sizeof(unsigned int) );
     if( ptr != NULL )
      int srotx  = Width >>15;
      int sroty =  Height >>15;
      int dx = NewWidth  >> 1;
      int dy = NewHeight >> 1;
      /*translate from the differenct between the roatation of the center of the new size with
        with the center of the previous size in 16by16 fixed point */
       srotx -= (int) (dx * fp16cos[angle] + dy * fp16sin[angle]);
       sroty -= (int) (dx * fp16sin[angle] - dy * fp16cos[angle]);
      int newx, newy, rotx, roty; 
      for(int y = 0; y < NewHeight; y++) 
      {  // Gets the rotated new coordinates
         rotx = srotx = srotx - fp16sin[angle];
         roty = sroty = sroty + fp16cos[angle];
         for(int x = 0; x < NewWidth; x++) 
            //converts from fixed point
            newx = rotx >> 16;
            newy = roty >> 16;
            //checks if rotated coordinates are out of boundary 
            if((newx >= 0 && newx < NewWidth) && (newy >= 0 && newy < NewHeight)) 
            ptr[ (y*NewWidth)+ x ] = array[ (newy *Width) + newx];
            {ptr[ (y*NewWidth)+ x ] = 0;} // feels up any gaps
            rotx += fp16cos[angle];
            roty += fp16sin[angle];   

     array = ptr;
     }//end of if 
The code does run without any error, but doesn't show any numbers for certain angles (not including the ones more then 256). Also, I believe the output is wrong, but i could be mistaken. Any suggestions or tips will be deeply appreciated... ^_^