I'm just breaking into the use of Boost smart pointers for the purpose of making the copying of objects more efficient. Is this possible?
Usually when one makes a copy constructor and assignment operator, they look something like this:
class aclass {
   aclass(const aclass &other) {
   aclass &operator=(const aclass &other) {
        return *this;
But say you have "shared" smart pointers for your class members? Is it possible to just pass those around, thereby bypassing those expensive copy procedures? How would I set up my class that way? Yes, I am aware that if any instance of aclass writes to what the smart pointers contained, then all instances will change. The classes I want to write will treat these contained instances as read-only after they are created.

The reason I want to do this is I'd like to hide the use of smart pointers from the owners of aclass, thereby making it abstract. That why I'd have members like:
class aclass {
    aclass foo();
    aclass goo(const aclass &aclass_);
aclass a_class, anotherclass;
aclass yetanotherclass = a_class.foo();
You get the idea