Thread: Recording MIDI Inputs from a MIDI Device (using wimm library)?

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    Aug 2009

    Recording MIDI Inputs from a MIDI Device (using wimm library)?

    So basically, I've been trying to record the MIDI inputs from a piano keyboard of mine, which is connected to my soundcard's game port.

    However, I have been having trouble actually getting any MIDI input of any kind (or so I think). I'm not very well versed in MIDI (or actually most of anything that's programming), so bare with me.

    Hopefully it's just something silly that I didn't understand. Anyways, this is the code I have so far. I've been using this to get feedback on what kind of values everything gives out, but I just can't get MIM_DATA to be the value for uMsg (which is what I need in order to know that my computer is indeed reading my piano inputs).

    //Link winmm library
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <mmsystem.h>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <conio.h>      /* include for kbhit() and getch() functions */
    using namespace std;
    void CALLBACK midiCallback(HMIDIIN handle, UINT uMsg, DWORD dwInstance, DWORD dwParam1, DWORD dwParam2)
         switch ( uMsg )
    	case MIM_OPEN:
             cout << "-----OPENED.-----" << endl;
    	case MIM_CLOSE:
             cout << "-----EVERYTHING IS CLOSING.-----" << endl;
    	case MIM_DATA:
             cout << "-----APPARENTLY THERE IS DATA.-----" << endl;         //I'm hoping to see this line...
    	case MIM_LONGDATA:
             cout << "-----LONGDATA'D.-----" << endl;
    	case MIM_ERROR:
             cout << "-----ERROR.-----" << endl;
    	case MIM_LONGERROR:
             cout << "-----LONGERROR.  EVEN WORSE.-----" << endl;
         cout << "dwInstance is " << dwInstance << endl;  
         cout << "Handle is " << handle << endl;
         cout << "dwParam1 is " << dwParam1 << endl; //dwParam1 is the bytes of the MIDI Message packed into an unsigned long
         cout << "dwParam2 is " << dwParam2 << endl; //dwParam2 is the timestamp of key press
         cout << "uMsg is " << uMsg << endl;
         cout << "-----" << endl;
    void MidiThing(){
        MIDIINCAPS     mic;       
        unsigned long result;
        HMIDIIN      inHandle;
        int ckey;            // storage for the current keyboard key being pressed
        unsigned long    iNumDevs, i;
        iNumDevs = midiInGetNumDevs();  /* Get the number of MIDI In devices in this computer */
       	/* Go through all of those devices, displaying their names */
        for (i = 0; i < iNumDevs; i++)
            /* Get info about the next device */
            if (!midiInGetDevCaps(i, &mic, sizeof(MIDIINCAPS)))
                /* Display its Device ID and name */
                printf("Device ID #%u: %s\r\n", i, mic.szPname);
         cout << "These are the only available devices...?" << endl; 
         cout << endl; 
        // Open the default MIDI In device. 
        result = midiInOpen(&inHandle, 0, (DWORD)midiCallback, 0, CALLBACK_FUNCTION);
        if (result)
           printf("There was an error opening the default MIDI In device!\r\n");
            cout << endl; 
            cout << "midiInStart has been called." << endl;
         cout << endl; 
        cout << "The unsigned long, result, value was " << result << endl;
         cout << MIM_OPEN << " is MIM_OPEN's value" << endl;
         cout << MIM_CLOSE << " is MIM_CLOSE's value" << endl;
         cout << MIM_DATA << " is MIM_DATA's value" << endl;
         cout << endl; 
        printf("Press \"q\" to quit.\n");
           while (1) {
              if (kbhit()) {
                 ckey = getch();
                 if (ckey == 'q') 
                     cout << "Stopped." << endl;     
                     cout << endl;
         cout << endl; 
         cout << "Lines are done twice because midiCallback " << endl;
         cout << "is called when midiInClose is called...?" << endl;
         cout << endl;
         cout << inHandle << " was the MIDIIN handle." << endl; 
         cout << "Stuff's closed now." << endl;     
         cout << endl;
         cout << endl;
         cout << endl; 
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    For the midiInStart function, I will admit I'm not exactly sure what to do with it.
    The for loop in the middle of program where you press q to quit has no purpose for being there... but I uhh, left it in anyway.

    EDIT: Okay wow. I just got it to work (kinda lame considering I've been stuck for about 3 hours until finally deciding to post here, and then finding the answer 5 minutes after). It turns out that the line
    result = midiInOpen(&inHandle, 0, (DWORD)midiCallback, 0, CALLBACK_FUNCTION);
    has to be written like
    result = midiInOpen(&inHandle, 0, (DWORD)midiCallback, NULL, CALLBACK_FUNCTION);
    Though I've solved my main issue, Dev-C++ gives me a warning for using NULL here though. Also, I'd still like to know what exactly midiInStart does and how to set up a buffer with it.

    The page I linked tells me that I should send at least one buffer to the driver before recording, but I'm not exactly sure how.
    Last edited by Shuvora; 08-03-2009 at 07:29 AM.

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