I visited a site http://cone3d.gamedev.net/cgi-bin/in...ls/gfxsdl/tut1 after a suggestion to look into SDL packs for basic graphics. I followed the instructions but they are vague since I just downloaded dev c++ a few days ago and have the most recent beta version. I thought I understood where to add the linkers to the project in but I copied some basic code on how to initialize the software and it came back with.
"Linkerer error undefined reference to 'SDL_Init'
Linkerer error undefined reference to 'SDL_GetError'
Linkerer error undefined reference to "WinMain@16'"

All I entered into an already working program was

#include <SDL/SDL.h>

int main()
           cout<<"Unable to init SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError();
           return 1;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
There is alot more code but it all works without these two additions so I didn't bother posting it. Thank you for your time.