I have been trying to pass a class variable to another class but I have no clue how to do this...
Here is the basic code I have been fighting with :
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Text
    public :
    char words[80] ="This is a text line"; 
class Line
    public :
    void showtext(void)
        cout << words; 
int main()
Line line;
return 0;
But apparently I got the following errors
ISO C++ forbids initialization of member 'text'
error : making 'text' static
invalid in-class initialization of static data member of non-integral type 'char[50]'
In member function 'void Line::showtext()':
'words' was not declared in this scope
I understand the last error(but I have no clue how to pass char 'text' to class 'Line')
But I don't understand the first 3 errors, I mean why would it forbid initialization of 'text'.

I hope you guys can help me figure out what my problem is and how to pass a variable from one class to another.
Thanks in advanced.