I'm just wondering what C++ is primarily used for these days (and hoping for simple examples since I'm a noob but would still like to understand).

In comparison to languages like Java and VB, I can immediately see C++ being used for complex scientific calculations mainly because of its superior speed.

But surely there are also some things that businesses might ask programmers to design where C++ would be the appropriate language. I'm just wondering what kinds of things these might be.

At my current (still unfortunately pretty ignorant) stage, it seems to me like C++ is good where you care about speed but less about portability, interactivity with the web, or pretty interface. VB is good where you care a lot about interface and little about speed. Java is good where you care mainly about portability and interactions with the web.

If that's the case, then, if a business approaches a software company wanting software solution X, what are simple examples of X such that the software company wants to write the code in C++ rather than something else?