I have a log, file from my last post about snmp loging. I got the logging application up and running. But the log file it creates is not good for what i need.

I am looking for a way to read spesific part of each line in a txt file lite this:

SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.12394. = STRING: "27.50"

SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.12394. = STRING: "27.30"

SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.12394. = STRING: "27.40"

I just need to read the number at the end, so in the cutout above i would need to read 27.50 from line one, 27.30 from line 3, 27.40 from line 5.

I have been playin around with somthin like this, but i feel like i have very little control doing it this way:

int main()
	string first, last;
	//string line;
	ifstream my_file("logtest01.txt");

	if(my_file.is_open() )
		while( my_file )
				my_file >> first >> last;
				cout << "Snr UL" << " " << last << endl;

	return 0;

And the best formatting i can com up with looks like this:
Snr UL =
Snr UL "27.50"
Snr UL =
Snr UL "27.30"
Snr UL =
Snr UL "27.40"
Snr UL =
Snr UL "27.50"
Snr UL =
Snr UL "27.40"
Snr UL =
Snr UL "27.30"
Snr UL =
Snr UL "27.50"
Snr UL =
Snr UL "27.40"
Snr UL =
Snr UL "27.40"
Snr UL =
Snr UL "27.10"
Snr UL "27.10"

Any hints as to where to look?
