I used some examples for calculating prime numbers up to 50,000 and had a code that worked great (no user input which is what the instructor wanted. But she clarified and said she actually wanted the output to look somethihng like this:

Start End Number of Primes
1 1000 168
1001 2000 135
2001 3000 127
3001 4000 120
4001 5000 119
5001 6000 114
6001 7000 117
7001 8000 107
8001 9000 110
9001 10000 112

49001 50000 98

Total primes in the first 50 chiliads: 5133
Average number per chiliad: 102.66

Okay so I've been working on this and at first I had it outputting primes in one column and zeros in another in an infinite loop untill I nested a while loop in a for loop. Ignoring the bottom 2 lines of output (I'll figure out those later) please look at what I have and help me understand why I get NO output.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;
void prime_num(int);//Void to specify no function type.
int primeCount = 0, numCount1 = 0, numCount2 = 0, rangeStart = 1, rangeEnd = 1000;
int main()
     int num = 50000;  //Establishing variables
void prime_num( int num)
		bool isPrime = true;
		for ( int num2 = 2; num2 <= num; num2++)
				for ( int num3 = 2; num3 < num2; num3++)//Forloops to create count.
						if ( num2 % num3 == 0 )//if with a mod to test for !prime.
						   isPrime = false;
						   break;//break from if...
						   for(isPrime; numCount1 <  1000 && numCount2 < 50000; numCount1++);
                                while(numCount1 >= 1000)
                                cout << rangeStart << setw(5) << rangeEnd << setw(5)<< primeCount << endl;//Print the range and the current primeCount for it
                                primeCount = 0;  //Reset primeCount and numCount1
                                numCount1 = 0;
                                rangeStart = rangeStart + 1000;
                                rangeEnd = rangeEnd + 1000;
                                break//break from while to reset the ranges and and first two counts

PLEASE HELP I have one more day to reSubmit it.