Hi every body!
Let me introduce myself. My name is sarah . I have been working with cisco routers and switches for 5 years. I really want to learn programming in c++ . I learned all about networking through cisco side called net pro and cisco press bokks, and my home lab.
I decided to use the technique to learn c++: a good side where i can post my questions and get answers from experts and good C++ book .

Here is my first question.

1)What is the purpose of standard library?

Here is my understanding:
Rather than writing function for every thing which will result in too much complexity , a programmer can use appropriate header file from the standard library to perform the desired task. For example if i have to find the log for certain number, i can simply use an appropriate header file from the standard library which contains the desired function to find the log. Is my understanding correct?
2)Is there a good link listing the all header files in standard library for c++ ?
3)Does standard library in c++ contain only header files?