I am new to programming with C++. I started to make a program that is eventually meant to be a calculator for an online game I play. This is just the start of the program, that will set variables for calculation(which I haven't made yet). I was wondering why their are so many errors coming up. Thanks.

Here is the program:

// this is a program in progress
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream.h>

int main(int nNumberofArgs, char* pszArgs[])

//ask what thevery operation
int operationtype;
cout << "What thievery operation are you performing?\n";
cin >> operationtype;
cout << "\n(Rob Vaults=1, Rob Towers=2, Rob Granaries=3, Kidnap
Peasants=4, Steal Horses=5\n";
If (operationtype == 1)
// Action: Rob Vaults
//at war or not?
char war;
cout << "Are you at war with your target?(Y/N)";
cin >> war;
If (war == "Y")
//gains per thief at war
float gpt;
gpt = 80.0;

//resources lost at war
float rl;
rl = 0.1;

//set units to gc
string unit;
unit = "gc";
If (war == "N")
//gains per thief not at war
float gpt;
gpt = 52.0;

//resources lost not at war
float rl;
rl = 0.1;

//set units to gc
string unit;
unit = "gc";

return 0;