Ok I am trying to make it look like this but with functions and I am not sure I have this right.

This is my code that I have and not sure if right. Could y'all help?

#include <iostream>

void Lab10identification() {
cout << "Section" << endl
     << "Student: Name email"
     << endl << endl;

char getletterGrade (int gradeIn) {
cout << "Enter a numeric grade (0-100, -1 to stop): ";
cin << gradeIn; 
return gradeIn;
 if (0 > gradeIn && 100 < gradeIn)
 cout << "The grade is out of range; try again." << endl;   
if (gradeIn >=0 && gradeIn <= 59) 
 letterGrade = 'F';
if (gradeIn >=60 && gradeIn <= 69)
 letterGrade = 'D';
if (gradeIn >=70 && gradeIn <= 79)
 letterGrade = 'C';
if (gradeIn >=80 && gradeIn <= 89)
 letterGrade = 'B';
if (gradeIn >=90 && gradeIn <= 100)
 letterGrade = 'A';
 return LetterGrade;

int main() {
  int grade;
  char letterGrade;
  do {
    grade = getNumericGrade();
    if (grade != -1) {
      letterGrade = getLetterGrade(grade);
      cout << "The student's letter grade is: " << letterGrade << endl;
    } while (grade != -1);
  cout << "Good-bye" << endl;
  return 0;
But this is what is printing out. It is errors.

 #include <iostream>
 void Lab10identification() {
 cout << "section" << endl
      << "Student: Name email"
      << endl << endl;
 char getletterGrade (int gradeIn) {
 cout << "Enter a numeric grade (0-100, -1 to stop): ";
 cin << gradeIn; 
    no match for `webistream & << int &'
 return gradeIn;
  if (0 > gradeIn && 100 < gradeIn)
  cout << "The grade is out of range; try again." << endl;   
 if (gradeIn >=0 && gradeIn <= 59) 
   parse error before `if'
  letterGrade = 'F';
 if (gradeIn >=60 && gradeIn <= 69)
  letterGrade = 'D';
 if (gradeIn >=70 && gradeIn <= 79)
  letterGrade = 'C';
 if (gradeIn >=80 && gradeIn <= 89)
  letterGrade = 'B';
 if (gradeIn >=90 && gradeIn <= 100)
  letterGrade = 'A';
  return LetterGrade;
 int main() {
   int grade;
   char letterGrade;
   do {
     grade = getNumericGrade();
     implicit declaration of function `int getNumericGrade(...)'
     if (grade != -1) {
      letterGrade = getLetterGrade(grade);
     implicit declaration of function `int getLetterGrade(...)'
       cout << "The student's letter grade is: " << letterGrade << endl;
     } while (grade != -1);
   cout << "Good-bye" << endl;
   return 0;
I am trying to make it look like this:

Section Name email

Enter a numeric grade (0-100, -1 to stop): 120
The grade is out of range; try again.

Enter a numeric grade (0-100, -1 to stop): -6
The grade is out of range; try again.

Enter a numeric grade (0-100, -1 to stop): 84
The letter grade is B

Enter a numeric grade (0-100, -1 to stop): 77
The letter grade is C

Enter a numeric grade (0-100, -1 to stop): -1