
I'm trying to make a CWorld class that can only be constructed once, now Elysia told me the approach yesterday, still I forgot all the details so I've been mindless hacking for sometime, with only help from intellisense and some from cprogramming.com, still I ain't getting it right...

class CWorld
	hgeVector m_hVec_ScreenSize;

	float m_Gravity;

	boost::array<std::string, 1> m_str_mapNames;
	void SetMapNames();

	CWorld(const float gravity_);


	hgePolygonMap* m_map;

	friend class CWorld_Fac;

	// HGE needed functions e.g. the creation of the world...
	inline void SetStates();
	static bool FrameFunc();
	static bool RenderFunc();


class CWorld_Fac {


	CWorld_Fac::CWorld_Fac(const float gravity_) {

		static CWorld world_(gravity_);
Those are the classes I have, now I'm supposed to be able to create many CWorld_Fac classes, still it will always lead to the same CWorld class, since it's static, also I have this code in main()
world = new CWorld_Fac(0.5f);
now this should be having the right info, and thus making CWorld get the right info first time...
here is the call that fails
CWorld_Fac m_world;

// this fails
CCharacter(std::string entClass_) : CEntity(HEL_MIDDLE2, false), m_world(0) { m_world.m_map->RegisterEntityClass(entClass_, this); }
now here I set m_world argument to 0, this shouldn't change anything since the CWorld constructor was static in CWorld_fac, right?

Hope I was able to explain correctly, and thanks in advance!