I am trying to make a program that computes gross by using a class and three functions. When I try to run it, it gives me this error I think something is wrong with my set function and my int main function, any help would be appreciated.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

double payRate;
int hours;

class Employee
 void set(double payRate, int hours);
 double pay();
 void display();

 int hours;
 double payRate;
 double Gross;

int main()
 Employee wage;
 cout << "What is the pay rate:";
 cin >> payRate;
 cout << "How many hours worked:";
 cin >> hours;
 wage.set(payRate, hours);

void Employee::set(double payRate, int hours)
 cin >> payRate;
 cin >> hours;

double Employee::pay()
 return Gross= payRate* hours;

void Employee::display()
 cout << "The Gross wage is: " << Gross;