I am honestly completely lost and could use any help i can get.

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>

using namespace std;

int string;
int create;
int check;
char n;
bool done;
bool reverse;

int main()
    int choice;
    int myString;
    cout << "***Welcome To The PALINDROME GAME!***";"\n";
    cout << "Choose which function you would like to run.";"\n\n";
    cout << "1)Check to see if a word is a palindrome.";"\n";
    cout << "2)Make a palindrome.";"\n";
    cin << choice;
          if choice==1
             (cout << check);
                 (cout << create);

		               char myString[10];
	                	cin >> myString;

                      int n[10] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
                           n[0] = 1;
                            n[1] = 2;
                             n[2] = 3;
                              n[3] = 4;
                               n[4] = 5;
                                n[5] = 6; 
                                 n[6] = 7; 
                                  n[7] = 8; 
                                   n[8] = 9; 
                                    n[9] = 10;

    int create()
        cout << "Please enter a string to be checked for palindromeness";
        cin >> string;
        cout << reverse;
        if string==reverse
          cout << "HOORAY! IT IS A PALINDROME!";
               cout << "BOOOOO! IT IS NOT A PALINDROME!";
   /* int check()
    bool reverse()
        cout << myString[9] << myString[8] << myString[7];
		cout << myString[6] << myString[5] << myString[4];
        cout << myString[3] << myString[2] << myString[1] << myString[0];

i will probably have to end up redoing the whole code, i am seriously completely lost

any help or suggestions greatly appreciated!

(here are the requirements of the assignment:

Has both a “check” and “create” palindrome function

Uses arrays of characters

Does not contain extraneous library headers

Formatted and commented correctly

Extra Credit
Can remove characters from a string that is not a palindrome (from “check” function)