I feel like spamming, but this I suspect could go terribly wrong if it fails...

So, I have some Uint32 flags which I'll pass to SDL_SetVideoMode (Width, Height, BPP, flags)

Reference is here http://docs.huihoo.com/sdl/1.2/sdlsetvideomode.html

Now, is it possible to do Uint32 math?
Say I have some flag variables

flag2 = SDL_OPENGL;

then do a call like this

Uint32 flags = flag1 + flag2 + flag3;

And then pass it to SetVideoMode

SDL_SetVideoMode(800, 600, 32, flags);

Is this possible? Is it wise? And are there better ways?

Also, when I initialize a flag variable like: flag4 = NULL;
But still add it to 'flags' what will this do? Shouldn't I do this?

Thanks in advance!