OK this has to be a bug in gcc 4.3. At the very least the error reporting should be considered a bug since it starts spewing unreadable characters.

Normally a child class can access the fields of a parent class as though they were her own. Not so in gcc 4.3 if the class is templated. You need to use the this pointer indirection to get at them.

#include <iostream>

template<int i>
class A
	int f ; // a field
} ;

template<int i>
class B : public A<i>
		f = 2 ;
} ;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
B<0>  bc ;
std::cout << bc.f << std::endl ;

This compiles and runs fine in MS Vis. studio. On linux, for gcc 4.3.0, it gives this 'informative' error

child.cpp: In constructor â:
child.cpp:15: error: â was not declared in this scope

In the constructor if you replace f by this->f it will compile.