You can, if you want to, create a new library from several libraries. There are some interesting challenges in doing so, and I would suggest that you don't, but it is technically possible. The process goes something like this:
- Extract library 1 and library 2 into current directory.
- Buld a new library from the extracted files.

Remember, a static library is simply a collection of object files (a bit like a zip archive, but with no compression), so the content of it is just like the object files you get when you compile your application code.

One of the problems with splitting and merging libraries is that you need to be careful about dependancies and the order that the library content is introduced into the final application. If library A uses library B functions, then it the order must be libA then libB, as the linker will only search each library once. This means that if libB is linked before libA, the functions in libA that uses libB will be "not found".
