I made this program to read the id, grade and name of a student and to create a file with this information and than to open that same file and display the info on the file created, but my problem is this, i for example put in:

Grade Id Name
50 1 Tim
75 2 John

It writes the above to the file but when it displays on the screen it shows the second line twice like such

Grade Id Name
75 2 John
75 2 John

Here is what i wrote


using namespace std;

int main()
int id, b;
double grade;
string filename, name;
ifstream III;
ofstream OOO;

cout << "Please enter name for the output file" << endl;
cin >> filename;

OOO << setw(10) << "Grade" << setw(10) << "Id" << setw(10) << "Name" << endl;

cout << "Enter number os students that you are going to input information" << endl;
cin >> b;

for (int f=1; f<=b; f++)
cout << "Enter grade, id and name for student number " << f << endl;
cin >> grade >> id >> name;
OOO << setw(10) << grade << setw(10) << id << setw(10) << name << endl;



cout << setw(10) << "Grade" << setw(10) << "Id" << setw(10) << "Name" << "\n";

for (int f=1; f<=b; f++)
III >> grade >> id >> name;
cout << setw(10) << grade << setw(10) << id << setw(10) << name << "\n" ;


system ("pause");
return 0;
I cant figure out whats wrong,

Thanks in advance