I know I'm asking loads of questions, but when I get frusterated I turn to you peeps

Anyways, I'm trying to make a tile based game, and now I have this struct

struct tileSlot{
	object obj;
	float x, y;

And an array
tileSlot slots[31][23];
And then I set a fixed position to all the 'slots', using this code

void tileSlotPos(){
	float width = 0;
	//width loop
	for(int w = 0; w >= 31; ++w){
		float height = 0;
		//height loop
		for(int h = 0; h >= 23; ++h){
			slots[w][h].x = width;
			slots[w][h].y = height;

			height += 32;
		width += 32;

and then I create the platforms using this code.

void createPlat(int slotW, int slotH){
	platform plat;
	slots[slotW][slotH].obj = plat;
	plat.x = slots[slotW][slotH].x;
	plat.y = slots[slotW][slotH].y;


Then later when I call, for testing.


createPlat(20, 20);
the platform ends up in the top left corner, meaning x= 0 and y = 0, or slot[0][0]
Do you peeps have any idea why it does this? And do you have any idea for a different approach to doing this?
Thanks in advance!