Noob here.
The title says it all.

//using recursion to find the factorial of an entered number

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int x;
int solution;

int factorial( int counter ) //factorial finding function
if ( x < counter ) 
	factorial ( x + 1 ); //starts at one, runs the function up until x == the entered number.
solution = solution * x; //with the exit of every function, solution is multiplied by the value of the argument.
if ( solution > counter ) //so lets say the numbered entered was 4. it would run the function of 1, 2, 3 than solution (set equal to 4 already) is multiplied by 3, 2, 1.
	if ( x == 1 ) { return solution; } //the function == 1 when it starts and when it ends. this tid bit makes sure not to return solution when it starts.


int main()
x = 1; 

int number;
int output;
cin >> number;
solution = number; //so that the function works multiplying all numbers less than the entered value

output = factorial ( number ); //runs the function with the entered number.
cout << output << endl;
The above code gives me compiles fine but gives me a segmentation fault when I run it.
Any ideas as to why?