Can anyone tell me what my major malfunction is here? I want to add other functionality to this program so I decided I might as well use classes and that got me about as far as this
 #include <iostream>
#include "string.h"
using namespace std;

class wordtbg { // word to be guessed by player
string wordtobeguessed; // string to hold word to be guessed
char letterguess; //to hold letter that player guesses is in the wordtobeguessed
	string wtbg (string x); //constructor to get the wordtobeguessed
	char guessfunc (char x); // function to see if letter guessed is correct or not
} hangman; //object of class wordtbg

string wordtbg::wtbg (string x)
	wordtobeguessed = x;

char wordtbg::guessfunc (char x)
	char wtbg; //will be used to turn wordtobeguessed from a string to a char type
	char thing[5]; //letter guessed
	string compare;
	for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
		if ( wordtobeguessed[i] == x)
             thing[i] = x;
             compare = thing;
			cout << "you guessed " << thing << " which is one of the letters!";
				cout << "that's not one of the letters!";
		} while (compare != wordtobeguessed);

int main ()
	hangman.wtbg ("tulip");
	char letter;
	cout << "please enter a letter: ";
	cin >> letter;
	hangman.guessfunc (letter);
	return 0;

everything compiles but when i try to run the program it just hangs and crashes. Incredibly simple and yet... I can't figure out the problem!