I need to to the following and I'm still pretty new to coding. Our teacher has asked us to... Formulate a C++ program solution that does the following. It holds in 2 parallel arrays, the values for the day# in the first array and in the second array the temperature for the corresponding day in the first array. These 2 arrays should only be declared after the size for each array has been specified by the user. Input for each array should come from the user. Lastly, the user should then be allowed to specify the day the user wants to find a temperature value for. In order to do this, the first array should be traversed looking for the matching day element, and from that matching index, find the corresponding temperature in the other array. That temperature value should be printed out. Usage of Loops is an absolute must in this Lab.

I'm unsure how to get started on this seeing the array has to be user defined? Any push in the right direction would be appreciated.
