Hello people!! I have a queue class that works just fine. But I need to have it spit out permutations of A B C. Like A , B, C, AA, AB, AC, BA, BB, BC, ..... CCC. I haven't the vaguest idea how to even get started on this part. My professor said something like print add add put in rear or something like that...but I didn't really understand.

Here's my client class:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "queue.h"

int main(void)
	Queue myLine; //myLine is a new queue object

	char userans;
	el_t eltoget, eltoadd;

	cout << "Enter your choice Q to quit or something else";
	cin >> userans;
	while((userans != 'Q') && (!myLine.isFull()))
		cout << "Give me an element to add: ";
		cin >> eltoadd;

		cout << "Enter your choice Q to quit or something else";
		cin >> userans;

	cout << "The Line has " << myLine.getSize() << " elements." << endl;
	cout << "Now removing and displaying all elements..." << endl;
		cout << eltoget << endl;

	return 0;

I'm sure some smart person in here has done this type of thing...if you could just steer me in the right direction I could probably handle it from there....

Thanks for any help!