Hello, my John Strobel. I started teaching myself C++ with books and tutorials earlier this week. I had written a sample code from a book and ran it, it takes the imput but never produces output after i hit enter. I apologize for such a trivial question, but how do I run the program from a command line prompt, or window? Instead of compile and run.

Thank you for any help, I may be a bit short sighted with something so simple

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int n, remainder;

//Get a number from the keyboard

cout << "Enter a number and press ENTER: ";
cin >> n;

//Get remainder after dividing by 2

remainder = n % 2;

//If remainder is 0 then number imput is 7

if (remainder == 0)
cout <<"the number is even. ";

cout << "The number is odd. ";

return 0;