
I've been have some trouble lately with a CWinThread. Here's my original declaration:

PortThread[3]= AfxBeginThread(StartCryptoPortThread, &Port[3],THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL,0,CREATE_SUSPENDED);
where StartCryptoPortThread is:

UINT C_Control::StartCryptoPortThread( LPVOID pParam )
	char*	buffer;
	int		size = 0;
    C_RS_422_Port* pObject = ( C_RS_422_Port*)pParam;

    if (pObject == NULL )
		return 1;   // if pObject is not valid
		pObject->Send_Crypto_Key(1);    // do something with 'pObject'

		return 0;   // thread completed successfully
and Port[3] is an instance of a class. Now, the first time that I use PortThread[3] like so:

Everything works fine and the program and the GUI continue to run. However, upon using it a second time like so:

I get a ridiculous return of 4 million or something. And then, when pointing to ResumeThread() as previously used (when it worked), it returns the same value of 4 million+. I've been able to discern that sometime after the initial point to ResumeThread(), PortThread goes bad and I get values of 0x00000000 for m_hThread where there used to be an address like 0x0000fd4c and I get 0xfeababab for things like m_pMainWnd/m_pActiveWnd where they used to be 0x00000000. Please help me! I've never actually had to use threads before and I don't know how they work!