I am trying to convert a float to an int. I'm making a change calculator where the user enters an amount. I didn't want the result to be off because I've had results from floats come back 1 away from the correct answer. So this is what I have so far.

  FILE:         Change_Calculator.cpp
  PROGRAMMER:   Stephen Michael Croy
  DATE:         01-07-09
  LAB:          1
  This program calculates the change from an amount input by the user
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    //the following are the constants for this program
    const int HUNDRED   = 10000;
    const int FIFTY     = 5000;
    const int TWENTY    = 2000;
    const int TEN       = 1000;
    const int FIVE      = 500;
    const int ONE       = 100;
    const int QUARTER   = 25;
    const int DIME      = 10;
    const int NICKEL    = 5;
    const int PENNY     = 1;
    //entered by user
    float amount;
    float payment; 
    int intAmount;
    int intPayment;
    int total;
    cout << "Enter the amount of purchase: "; //Prompt for data
    cin >> amount; //read information from user into amount
    cout << "Enter payment toward purchase: ";
    cin >> payment; //read information from user into payment
    intAmount = amount * 100;
    intPayment = payment * 100;
    if (intAmount > intPayment)
       total = intAmount - intPayment;
       cout << total;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

I know the program isn't finished, I'm just hung up on this conversion.