Just been doing some coding recently, and I am getting an error in this snippet of code:

	template <class T>
	void RemoveElement ( vector <T> hay_stack, T needle )
		vector<T>::iterator iter = hay_stack.begin();
		while ( iter != hay_stack.end() && (*iter) != needle ) iter++;
		if ( (*iter) == needle ) hay_stack.erase ( iter );
It tells me " expected `;' before 'iter' ". At first I thought I had forgot a semicolon somewhere else in the file that then caused this error to be thrown, but I don't see any.

Here's the whole file:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

#include "world.h"

namespace AgentsSimulation
	extern World SimulatedWorld;

	void InitializeSimulation ( );
	void RunIteration ( );

	template <class T>
	int FindVectorElement ( vector <T> hay_stack, T needle )
		for ( unsigned int x = 0; x < hay_stack.size(); x++ )
			if ( hay_stack[x] == needle ) return x;

		return -1;

	template <class T>
	void RemoveElement ( vector <T> hay_stack, T needle )
		vector<T>::iterator iter = hay_stack.begin();
		while ( iter != hay_stack.end() && (*iter) != needle ) iter++;
		if ( (*iter) == needle ) hay_stack.erase ( iter );

#endif /* __AGENTS_SIMULATION_H */