Thread: Postfix Calculator Using Stack, Linked Lists

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Oct 2008
    #include <iostream>
    #include <iomanip>
    using namespace std;
    class node
        float number;
        node *next;
    node* push(node *stack, float data)
      node *utility;
      utility = new node;
      utility -> number = data;
      utility -> next = stack;
      return utility;
    node* pop(node *stack, float &data)
      node *temp;
      if (stack != NULL)
        temp = stack;
        data = stack -> number;
        stack = stack -> next;
        delete temp;
      else cout << "\nERROR: Empty stack.\n";
      return stack;
    int main()
      float answer, operand1, operand2;
      char ch = ' ';                                     //just so that the while loop runs
      node *utility, *top;
      utility = new node;
      utility -> number = 0;
      utility -> next = NULL;
      top = new node;
      top -> number = 0;
      top -> next = utility;
      cout << "Postfix Calculator\n\n"
           << "Enter a legal positive integer postfix operation.\n\n";
     while(ch != '\n')
            cin >> noskipws >> ch;
            int operand = 0;
            while(ch == ' ')
              cin >> ch;
            if((ch >= '0')&&(ch <= '9')){
              while(ch != ' '){
                operand = operand*10 + (ch-48);
                cin >> ch;}
              top = push(top, operand);}
              pop(top, operand1);
              pop(top, operand2);
                case '+': answer = operand2 + operand1;
                case '-': answer = operand2 - operand1;
                case '*': answer = operand2 * operand1;
                case '/': answer = operand2 / operand1;}
              push(top, answer);}
      pop(top, answer);
      cout << "\nAnswer: " << answer << endl;
    This is where I am now and the problem still hasn't righted itself... it doesn't recognize the new-line character at all.

    EDIT: Never mind, the program gives me an answer... except it's not the right one. 2 3 45 + + gives me 90 instead of 50. Hmm...
    Last edited by Velocity; 12-05-2008 at 08:52 AM.

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