the findfirst and findnext functions populate ffblk structure with file info. One of the ffblk struct element's is ff_ftime which is an unsigned short and, according to the help file (Borland builder 5.0), it contains bit fields for reffering the seconds, minutes and hours:

ff_ftime and ff_fdate contain bit fields for referring to the current date and time. The structure of these fields was established by the operating system. Both are 16-bit structures divided into three fields.


Bits 0 to 4 The result of seconds divided by 2 (for example 10 here means 20 seconds)
Bits 5 to 10 Minutes
Bits 11 to 15 Hours

Well, yeah there's ff_fdate too but they're pretty much the same. So... I've checked MSDN what are bit fields - seemed pretty clear, but... as I understood they are used to save some space when using integrals in structures and ff_fdate is not a structure (I think) and I'm lost now.

I, basicaly, need to extract a viable time from ff_ftime, but for, what is 21:35:47, I get 44152 and for, what is 15:19:36, I get 31347. Halp.