I am writing a program that basically works like Project Gutenberg. What this does is it takes plain text files as input and outputs these text files in HTML format. I am just beginning the project and have started by trying to extract the title from a file. What I know is that the title ALWAYS begins with "Title:" and only lasts the line that "Title:" is on. I have written code but it doesn't work (of course, that's why I came here!"). To me, my code seems logically correct but it just doesn't run. Any help would be appreciated.

getTitle() function:

string Book::getTitle(string title)
    size_t pos;

    pos = title.find("Title:");

    title = title.substr(pos);
        return title;
        return "";
Process book to store title in variable:

Book::Book(std::istream& in)
    std::string title, line;
    string::size_type start = 0;

    getline(in, line);
        if(title[start] == ' ')
            getline(in, line);
            title = getTitle(line);